Sunday, September 11, 2011

No, Really James?

Well, as you all know I have a distinct penchant for eating.  Well, perhaps bordering on obsession with food.  I mean, what kind of life can I lead without at least one hearty breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, second lunch, mid-afternoon snack, supper, dinner, and bedtime-snack?  Now, I know, there are those who may consider this constant consumption of delectable delights a bit of a health problem and, dare I say, a sign of gluttony.  However, I have come upon  an ancient and fantastic solution to my, debatably unhealthy, taste for copious quantities of butter, cream, and rich (although 100% natural I might add, Mom!!) foods.  This solution also happens to be one of my favorite activities, namely hiking.  Be it urban exploration in unknown cities and parks, historic locations, or more traditional locales such as mountains and camping trails, an obsessive adherence to "walking" provides my body the activity needed to continue my other passion :-) So, what better way to document my extended tour in the Republic of Korea than by sharing with you the sights of my various meandering hikes, and the local fair that sustained me along the way?  Without further introduction, I invite you all to accompany me on my oriental journey upon two sturdy hairy legs and a bottomless iron-kettle stomach.

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